Mirror Lake and Above the Treeline

As I post excerpts from my book, ‘The Mount Whitney Journals’, they will not always be sequential. Before starting the blog, I would occasionally post excerpts on the ‘Notes’ section of my Facebook page. Today’s excerpt is from my second trip (2002) that I took with my friend Mike Shean. At this point in the hike, I’m going strong and feeling fantastic.  We have already passed the spectacular Mirror Lake and are above the tree line, at around 11,000′ making our way toward Trail Camp. The area I describe in the first part of the excerpt is called the Trailside Meadow. Happy Trails!


As we follow along the creek, the trail flattens some and the flow of water is less of a torrent here than at most points below including its path through the Whitney Portal Campground. Luxuriant thick-bladed grasses grow in mounds along the bank, punctuated by yellow and purple wildflowers. This is a different beauty from the postcard-worthy Mirror Lake, but I love it no less. If they are women, Mirror Lake is Hollywood Starlet, bosomy and breathless, eyelashes, rouge and lipstick, hair and skin soft to the touch. Here, above the trees among the granite and lichens, she is Teutonic, carrying a shield and blade and can smite me or at least inflict a severe ass kicking. But the good news is she is still bosomy.


Wildflower along Trailside Meadow


Trailside Meadow

Published by victorvolta

I am a freelance photographer/writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Author of "As I Was Walking", my book about backpacking the John Muir Trail. Education: San Jose State University (class of '84) BA degree in Journalism with concentrations in Photojournalism and English. Favorite Foods: Ribeye steaks and Stan's Doughnuts (separate plates, usually). Favorite Drinks: Strong gourmet coffee and Trader Joe's Blood Orange Italian Soda (separate cups).

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